Dear Partners of 4G3,
On a recent trip to the Middle East to minister to leaders serving refugees, I began thinking
more about the price our friends in the Middle East pay to follow Jesus. At our 4G3 conference on that trip, 80% of those attending were MBB's who have paid astronomical prices to follow Jesus.

For example, a 32-year-old kidnapped by ISIS, was tortured for three days a week, then Friday was abused in a "torture party". What kept him from leaving Jesus? Jesus appeared to him in jail every night, giving him solace. Then after four months, the jail windows opened for him to escape from Iraq to Turkey.
An 18-year-old girl shared about seeing ISIS rape her mother in front of her, then rape her
when she was nine years old. When they fled to Turkey, she was raped again at 15 by her
Another person we met at the conference was a Jordanian man whose wife aborted their child when she learned that he became a Christian and filed for a divorce on the grounds that her husband had become an infidel. She got everything. He lost his job and was jailed for ten months.
Watching those who have suffered so much for Jesus and are still yearning to know Him and
make Him known was a humbling experience. There are so many needs among the believers we meet in the Middle East. Needs for discipleship, teaching about holiness, the Biblical portrait of marriage, money management, and much more.
Through 4G3 Discipleship Institutes, we are covering a variety of topics as we train and equip
believers to stand firm in their faith and build holy habits. Thank you for praying and supporting the ongoing expansion of our Discipleship Institutes. Thousands of lives are being transformed as a result of your partnership and God's amazing grace.
We hope this brief 2022 impact encourages you in the work you've made possible this year!
Dr. Wahid and Laila Wahba

The ripple effect of 4G3 Discipleship Institutes impacted over 35,000 leaders in 2020, and in the past 20 years over one million people have attended in-person Biblical courses through 4G3!
For the Global Glory of God
C/O David Gaither CPA
PO Box 36
Rock Spring GA 30739