A graduate of a 4G3 Discipleship Institute recently shared his powerful testimony. We hope it encourages you like it did us!

"Growing up I had questions about Islam but I was always afraid to ask them. As an adult, someone gave me a Kurdish Bible and told me that Islam was a hoax. I felt a weight fall off my shoulders. The next day I went to work. The boss said, "thank you for the gift of Islam". I said, "what gift are you talking about?" I told him Islam was false. Sarcastically, he suggested I start following Jesus. He told me he would take me to a church. Two days later I told him he was lying and that he would not take me to church. He got angry and fired me. As I was contemplating my next step, I discovered a magic book. My wife and I decided to try to put a spell on my mother who was living with us because we felt she was a pest. Around that time, a friend called and asked if his friend could come stay with us for a couple days. His friend was from Syria. I said yes. While staying with us he learned we were reading magic and using a Ouija board. He said we were trying to fill our soul with things that would not fill our spirit. Then he told me about Jesus. He spoke to me in a language I could understand. The next day he took me to church. I saw people from different denominations and different languages praising together respectfully. I had never felt this peace before. I accepted Jesus, together with my wife. Since then I have been learning and growing as a follower of Christ. I now lead others in Turkey to follow Christ through an underground church."
Thank you for making stories like this possible with your prayers and support. It’s a joy to partner with you to make disciples, who make disciples.
Grateful for you,
Dr. Wahid and Laila Wahba
