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How You Can Feed 1200 Christian Sundanese Families

After mass layoffs, we felt compelled to stand in the gap and make sure they are fed. But we cannot do so on our own. We need your help.

There are five million Sudanese refugees in Egypt. Most of them are Christians who fled because of persecution. Many of their families have been buried in mass graves or left in the middle of the Sudanese desert in what is called Jabarona (which means they forced us out), a slum on the outskirts of Khartoum where many displaced southerners live. They live with no water or any means of living. They are left to die.

When 4G3 started ministering to the Sudanese several years ago, we started with individual courses. But as the refugee crisis increased, we started 4G3 discipleship institutes in Sudan and Egypt.

In Egypt, 165 Sudanese refugees graduated 4G3 Discipleship Institutes last year. You can watch their testimonies in the video above.

In February 2020, graduates met together to strategize on how they could reach other Sudanese living in Egypt with the Good News.

Then the COVID-19 pandemic happened.

4G3 was among the first to lock down their offices and suspend operations in order to keep employees safe. Most of our ministry is in extremely crowded areas. Our motto has always been that the safety of our people is top priority.

Despite the lockdown, all 23 employees got their full salaries in March. They felt so grateful. Each and every employee believed giving back to God in gratitude was the right thing to do. They looked around and saw the needs of the people.

Many of the Sudanese refugees living in Egypt live in dire conditions. They live 10 to 15 people in a 4×6 ft room with one shared bathroom. They have no heating or cooling, no internet, and the sanitary conditions are disastrous. Most Sudanese work on daily wage jobs, so now with the pandemic are left jobless with a family to feed.

As we live in the USA or elsewhere, we are locked down in our air-conditioned homes, with our dog, our comfort, and our well-stacked pantries, and we cannot fathom how those refugees live.

4G3 decided to pack grocery bags for those Sudanese who graduated from the Discipleship Institute. They packed in each bag: four gallons of milk, four bags of rice, four bags of lentils, four bags of sugar, feta cheese, 30 eggs, two chickens, four bags of pasta, two bottles of oil, two boxes of tea and two cans of margarine. These groceries will last a family of five for two weeks.

As 4G3 distributes grocery bags to the Sudanese, they teach them basic things about public health during the pandemic. They show them how they need to wash their hands often, how to avoid touching their faces, how to disinfect their bathrooms and other places. They pray with each family.

Until today, we have reached 160 families. Most of the grocery bags were paid for by thankful 4G3 employees in Egypt. But each of those 160 families is responsible for a ministry. Some pastor churches, others lead house churches or minister to prisoners or Sudanese Muslims in Egypt. We are dreaming of being able to make 2000 more grocery bags for 2000 families.

4G3 employees are risking their lives, but they wanted to minister to those refugees who have been so consistent about being discipled. Those Sudanese who stuck with the Discipleship institute for 15 whole months. Now is the time to show them faith in action. People are more prone to hear about Jesus during a crisis.

Each grocery bag costs $35 and feeds a family of five for two weeks. Would you consider supporting Sudanese refugees in Egypt?


For the Global Glory of God

4G3 is a not for profit organization that equips individuals with the tools and training needed to make an impact within their communities and their country.

For the Global Glory of God (4G3)

C/O David Gaither CPA

PO Box 36

Rock Spring GA 30739


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