“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace”. 1 Peter 4:10
During our coaching with Mission Increase last year, Beth Bennett coached us on the importance of choosing board members. It is a solemn as well as a spiritual task.
For this reason, we have been slow at adding board members, prayerfully waiting for the right people.
We are looking for spiritually mature board members who have solid relationships, active in church and community, and passionate about the 4G3 mission and vision. All this and more, we have found in Holly Moore, together with her willingness to be an ambassador for 4G3.
Please welcome with us Holly Moore, who so graciously accepted to become 4G3’s newest board member.
Here is a short bio about her:
Holly Moore is an accomplished senior executive with more than twenty years of diverse leadership experience in a publicly traded for-profit company as well as both large and start-up non-profit organizations.
She is the President of Hollis Strategies where she collaborates with individuals and organizations to help them unlock the full potential of their teams and increase their capacity. Holly is a sought-after speaker and leadership coach who uses her expertise as a Certified Myers Briggs Practitioner and a Certified 5 Voices Coach to discuss personality-based communication patterns and how they apply to relationships and team performance. She also collaborates with Dee Ann Turner, former Vice President of Corporate Talent for Chick-fil-A, to provide workshops on talent selection and retention. Holly has spoken to audiences throughout the United States as well as in Egypt, Brazil, Zambia, Mexico, Costa Rica and Singapore.
Holly has over 14 years of executive experience with non-profit organizations including serving as the Vice President of Advancement for Mercy Ships. During her tenure with that global non-profit, she spearheaded development and marketing efforts in the United States to launch the world’s largest privately funded hospital ship providing free medical care in some of the poorest nations on earth.
Previously, she worked in the corporate health care industry sector for a decade in senior leadership positions. Her most recent executive position was as a divisional Vice President a publicly traded pharmacy services company. In that role, she had full P&L responsibility for a division of 250 team members in seven locations across the US.
In addition, she serves on the Board of Directors for three non-profit organizations including Street Grace, a nationally recognized organization fighting human trafficking.
Welcome Holly to the 4G3 family.

Meet Holly Moore: 4G3 Newest Board Member
Testimonials From Discipleship Institute Students About The Purpose Driven Life Curriculum

4G3 discipleship institute participants in Luxor, Egypt. Notice the Coptic Orthodox priest in the middle of the back row.
One of the 4G3 Discipleship Institutes is being held in Luxor, Egypt.
Luxor is a modern-day Egyptian city that lies atop an ancient city that the Greeks named “Thebes.”
Located on the Nile River, about 300 miles south of Cairo, it has more than 450,000 people.
The ancient city of Luxor served at times as Egypt’s capital. “On the East Bank, beneath the modern city of Luxor, lie the remains of an ancient town that from about 1500 to 1000 B.C. was one of the most spectacular in Egypt, with a population of perhaps 50,000,” write archaeologists Kent Weeks and Nigel Hetherington in their book “The Valley of the Kings Site Management Masterplan”.
In ancient times, the city was known as home to the god Amun, a deity associated with Egyptian royalty.
In this very city of false gods, the Discipleship Institute disciples study the curriculum, Spiritual Warfare by Chip Ingram. This institute is held in a Coptic Orthodox church.
Here are some of the comments of the participants:
For the first time, I have understood the real meaning of spiritual warfare and how I need to exercise it in my personal life, my ministry, and my city and country. (Mona)
I never realized how many names the devil has and what each one means. He is really evil. I realized I actually have weapons that I can use. (Fayez)
Wow, the difference between the conviction of the enemy and the conviction of the Holy Spirit: indeed an eye-opener. (Mina)
Pray for protection for them as they exercise spiritual warfare on gods and spirits.
Pray that they and their families are protected and that God will put a hedge of protection around them.
Pray for the facilitators as they use trains to travel, as there have been three dreadful train accidents in the past three weeks.