Dear friends,
Today, March 4, is World Day of Prayer.
Never before have the fields been whiter for harvest. Amid the refugee crisis, the pandemic, the wars, the famines, and floods, there is only one answer for the salvation of humankind: Jesus Christ. Today our hearts are heavy for the 1 million + refugees fleeing Ukraine. But we take hope from the words of Jesus in Luke 18:1: Jesus tells his disciples a parable in order to teach them that “they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” As a family of believers, let us all pray without ceasing and without losing heart. Join us in praying... Dear Lord Jesus, your family on earth knew the life of refugees when they fled to Egypt. Bless all who seek refuge on this earth. Meet their needs for safety and for home. Move the hearts of your people to show them welcome. Cause wars to cease and bring justice to the nations that no one will need to flee again. In your great mercy, Lord hear our prayer. Amen.